Source code for aiotus.retry

"""High-level functions that do retrying in case of communication errors."""

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import dataclasses
import sys
from types import TracebackType
from typing import (

import aiohttp
import tenacity
import yarl

from . import common, core, creation
from .log import logger

T = TypeVar("T")

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
    # 'contextlib.nullcontext' supports async beginning with Python 3.10.
    from contextlib import nullcontext as asyncnullcontext

    class asyncnullcontext(AsyncContextManager[T]):  # noqa: N801
        """Asynchronous version of 'contextlib.nullcontext'."""

        def __init__(self, aenter_result: T) -> None:  # noqa: D107
            self._aenter_result = aenter_result

        async def __aenter__(self) -> T:  # noqa: D105
            return self._aenter_result

        async def __aexit__(  # noqa: D105
            exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
            exc_value: Optional[BaseException],
            traceback: Optional[TracebackType],
        ) -> None:
            return None

[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class RetryConfiguration: """Class to hold settings for the functions of this module.""" retry_attempts: int = 10 """ Number of retry attempts to do when the communication fails. """ max_retry_period_seconds: float = 60.0 """ Maximum time between retries, in seconds. Exponential backoff is used in case of communication errors, but the time between retries is caped by this value. """ ssl: Optional[common.SSLArgument] = None """ 'ssl' argument passed on to the aiohttp calls. This can be None, False, or an instance of ssl.SSLContext, see the `aiohttp documentation <>`_ for the different meanings. """ # noqa: E501
def _make_log_before_function(s: str) -> Callable[[tenacity.RetryCallState], None]: """Create a function used to log before a retry attempt.""" def log(retry_state: tenacity.RetryCallState) -> None: if retry_state.attempt_number > 1: f"Trying {s} again, attempt number {retry_state.attempt_number}..." ) return log def _make_log_before_sleep_function( s: str, ) -> Callable[[tenacity.RetryCallState], None]: """Create a function used when a call made through tenacity fails.""" def log(retry_state: tenacity.RetryCallState) -> None: if (retry_state.next_action is not None) and (retry_state.outcome is not None): duration = retry_state.next_action.sleep if retry_state.outcome.failed: value = retry_state.outcome.exception() else: value = retry_state.outcome.result() logger.warning( f"{s.capitalize()} failed, " f"retrying in {duration:.0f} second(s): {value}" ) return log def _make_retrying(s: str, config: RetryConfiguration) -> tenacity.AsyncRetrying: """Create a tenacity retry object.""" return tenacity.AsyncRetrying( retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type(aiohttp.ClientError), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(config.retry_attempts), wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(max=config.max_retry_period_seconds), before=_make_log_before_function(s), before_sleep=_make_log_before_sleep_function(s), ) def _sanitize_metadata(metadata: Optional[common.Metadata]) -> common.Metadata: """Make sure the given optional metadata object is valid.""" if metadata is None: metadata = {} # Try to encode the metadata once here, as this function is called outside # of any code that does retries, so that invalid arguments are caught early # and the exception is not swallowed. creation.encode_metadata(metadata) return metadata
[docs] async def upload( endpoint: Union[str, yarl.URL], file: BinaryIO, metadata: Optional[common.Metadata] = None, client_session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None, config: RetryConfiguration = RetryConfiguration(), headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, chunksize: int = 4 * 1024 * 1024, ) -> Optional[yarl.URL]: """Upload a file to a tus server. This function creates an upload on the server and then uploads the data to that location. In case of a communication error, this function retries the upload. :param endpoint: The creation endpoint of the server. :param file: The file to upload. :param metadata: Additional metadata for the upload. :param client_session: An aiohttp ClientSession to use. :param config: Settings to customize the retry behaviour. :param headers: Optional headers used in the request. :param chunksize: The size of individual chunks to upload at a time. :return: The location where the file was uploaded to (if the upload succeeded). """ url = yarl.URL(endpoint) metadata = _sanitize_metadata(metadata) retrying_create = _make_retrying("upload creation", config) retrying_upload_file = _make_retrying("upload", config) try: ctx: Union[aiohttp.ClientSession, AsyncContextManager[aiohttp.ClientSession]] if client_session is None: ctx = aiohttp.ClientSession() else: ctx = asyncnullcontext(client_session) async with ctx as session: async for attempt in retrying_create: with attempt: location = await creation.create( session, url, file, metadata, ssl=config.ssl, headers=headers, ) logger.debug(f"Upload created, upload URL is '{location}'.") if not location.is_absolute(): location = url / location.path logger.debug(f"Upload URL was relative, changed to '{location}'.") async for attempt in retrying_upload_file: with attempt: await core.upload_buffer( session, location, file, ssl=config.ssl, chunksize=chunksize, headers=headers, ) return location except tenacity.RetryError as e: logger.error( f"Unable to upload file, even after retrying: {e.last_attempt.exception()}" ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Unable to upload file: {e}") return None
[docs] async def metadata( endpoint: Union[str, yarl.URL], client_session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None, config: RetryConfiguration = RetryConfiguration(), headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ) -> Optional[common.Metadata]: """Read back the metadata of an upload. See :data:`aiotus.Metadata` for details on how metadata is handled in the tus protocol. In case of a communication error, this function retries. :param endpoint: The location of the upload. :param client_session: An aiohttp ClientSession to use. :param config: Settings to customize the retry behaviour. :param headers: Optional headers used in the request. :return: The metadata associated with the upload. """ url = yarl.URL(endpoint) retrying_metadata = _make_retrying("query metadata", config) try: ctx: Union[aiohttp.ClientSession, AsyncContextManager[aiohttp.ClientSession]] if client_session is None: ctx = aiohttp.ClientSession() else: ctx = asyncnullcontext(client_session) async with ctx as session: async for attempt in retrying_metadata: with attempt: return await core.metadata( session, url, ssl=config.ssl, headers=headers ) except tenacity.RetryError as e: logger.error( f"Unable to get metadata, even after retrying: {e.last_attempt.exception()}" ) return None
async def _upload_partial( semaphore: asyncio.Semaphore, endpoint: Union[str, yarl.URL], file: BinaryIO, client_session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession], config: RetryConfiguration, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]], chunksize: int, ) -> str: """Upload a single part of an upload with the "concatenation" extension. Helper function for 'upload_multiple()'. """ tus_headers = dict(headers or {}) tus_headers["Upload-Concat"] = "partial" async with semaphore: url = await upload( endpoint, file, None, client_session, config, tus_headers, chunksize ) if url is None: raise RuntimeError("Unable to upload part.") return url.path
[docs] async def upload_multiple( endpoint: Union[str, yarl.URL], files: Iterable[BinaryIO], metadata: Optional[common.Metadata] = None, client_session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None, config: RetryConfiguration = RetryConfiguration(), headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, chunksize: int = 4 * 1024 * 1024, parallel_uploads: int = 3, ) -> Optional[yarl.URL]: """Upload multiple files using the "concatenation" extension. Upload multiple files and then use the "concatenation" protocol extension to combine the parts on the server-side. :param endpoint: The creation endpoint of the server. :param files: The files to upload. :param metadata: Additional metadata for the final upload. :param client_session: An aiohttp ClientSession to use. :param config: Settings to customize the retry behaviour. :param headers: Optional headers used in the request. :param chunksize: The size of individual chunks to upload at a time. :param parallel_uploads: The number of parallel uploads to do concurrently. :return: The location of the final (concatenated) file on the server. :raises RuntimeError: If the server does not support the "concatenation" extension. """ url = yarl.URL(endpoint) metadata = _sanitize_metadata(metadata) retrying_config = _make_retrying("query configuration", config) retrying_create = _make_retrying("upload creation", config) try: ctx: Union[aiohttp.ClientSession, AsyncContextManager[aiohttp.ClientSession]] if client_session is None: ctx = aiohttp.ClientSession() else: ctx = asyncnullcontext(client_session) async with ctx as session: # # Check if the server supports the "concatenation" extension. # async for attempt in retrying_config: with attempt: server_config = await core.configuration( session, url, ssl=config.ssl, headers=headers ) if "concatenation" not in server_config.protocol_extensions: raise RuntimeError( 'Server does not support the "concatenation" extension.' ) # # Upload the individual parts. # # Used to limit the number of coroutines that perform uploads in parallel. semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(parallel_uploads) coros = [ _upload_partial( semaphore, endpoint, f, session, config, headers, chunksize ) for f in files ] tasks = [asyncio.create_task(c) for c in coros] try: paths = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) except Exception as e:"Cancelling other uploads...") for t in tasks: if not t.done(): t.cancel() raise RuntimeError(f"Upload of a part failed: {e}") concat_header = "final;" + " ".join(paths) # # Do the final concatenation. # final_headers = dict(headers or {}) final_headers.update({"Upload-Concat": concat_header}) async for attempt in retrying_create: with attempt: return await creation.create( session, url, None, metadata, ssl=config.ssl, headers=final_headers, ) except tenacity.RetryError as e: logger.error( f"Unable to upload files, even after retrying: {e.last_attempt.exception()}" ) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Unable to upload files: {e}") return None