Source code for aiotus.creation

"""Implementation of the creation extension.

`creation extension <>`_
defines how to reserve space on the server for uploading data to.

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import base64
import io
from typing import BinaryIO, Mapping, Optional

import aiohttp
import yarl

from . import common
from .log import logger

def _check_metadata_keys(metadata: common.Metadata) -> None:
    """Check if the metadata keys are valid.

    Raises a 'ValueError' exception if a key is invalid.
    for k in metadata:
        if not k.isascii():
            raise ValueError("Metadata keys must only contain ASCII characters.")

        if " " in k:
            raise ValueError("Metadata keys must not contain spaces.")

        if "," in k:
            raise ValueError("Metadata keys must not contain commas.")

[docs] def encode_metadata(metadata: common.Metadata) -> str: """Encode the metadata to the value of the metadata header. :param metadata: The metadata to encode. :return: The value for the "Upload-Metadata" header. """ _check_metadata_keys(metadata) def encode_value(value: Optional[bytes]) -> str: if value is None: return "" encoded_bytes = base64.b64encode(value) encoded_string = encoded_bytes.decode() return " " + encoded_string pairs = [f"{k}{encode_value(v)}" for k, v in metadata.items()] return ",".join(pairs)
[docs] async def create( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: yarl.URL, file: Optional[BinaryIO], metadata: common.Metadata, ssl: Optional[common.SSLArgument] = None, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ) -> yarl.URL: """Create an upload. :param session: HTTP session to use for connections. :param url: The creation endpoint of the server. :param file: The file object to upload. Used to determine the length of data to be uploaded. If not given, the corresponding HTTP header is not included in the request. :param metadata: Additional metadata for the upload. :param ssl: SSL validation mode, passed on to aiohttp. :param headers: Optional headers used in the request. :return: The URL to upload the data to. :raises ProtocolError: When the server does not comply to the tus protocol. """ tus_headers = dict(headers or {}) tus_headers["Tus-Resumable"] = common.TUS_PROTOCOL_VERSION if file is not None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() total_size = await loop.run_in_executor(None,, 0, io.SEEK_END) tus_headers["Upload-Length"] = str(total_size) if metadata_header := encode_metadata(metadata): tus_headers["Upload-Metadata"] = metadata_header logger.debug("Creating upload...") async with await, headers=tus_headers, ssl=ssl) as response: response.raise_for_status() if response.status != 201: raise common.ProtocolError( f"Wrong status code {response.status}, expected 201." ) if "Location" not in response.headers: raise common.ProtocolError( 'Upload created, but no "Location" header in response.' ) return yarl.URL(response.headers["Location"])