Source code for aiotus.core

"""Implementation of the core protocol.

`core tus protocol <>`_
defines how the data upload is handled.

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import base64
import dataclasses
import io
from typing import BinaryIO, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional

import aiohttp
import multidict
import yarl

from . import common
from .log import logger

[docs] @dataclasses.dataclass class ServerConfiguration: """Class to hold the server's configuration.""" protocol_versions: List[str] """ List of protocol versions supported by the server, sorted by the server's preference. """ max_size: Optional[int] """ The maximum allowed file size (in bytes), if reported by the server. """ protocol_extensions: List[str] """ The protocol extensions supported by the server. """
def _parse_positive_integer_header( headers: multidict.CIMultiDictProxy[str], header_name: str ) -> int: """Convert a HTTP header into a positive integer value. Raises a ProtocolError if the conversion is not posible. """ if header_name not in headers: raise common.ProtocolError( f'HTTP header "{header_name}" not included in server response.' ) header_value = headers[header_name] try: if (result := int(header_value)) < 0: raise RuntimeError() return result except Exception: raise common.ProtocolError( f'Unable to convert "{header_name}" header ' f'"{header_value}" to a positive integer.' )
[docs] async def offset( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, location: yarl.URL, ssl: Optional[common.SSLArgument] = None, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ) -> int: """Get the number of uploaded bytes. :param session: HTTP session to use for connections. :param location: The upload endpoint to query. :param ssl: SSL validation mode, passed on to aiohttp. :param headers: Optional headers used in the request. :return: The number of bytes that are already on the server. """ tus_headers = dict(headers or {}) tus_headers["Tus-Resumable"] = common.TUS_PROTOCOL_VERSION logger.debug(f'Getting offset of "{location}"...') async with await session.head(location, headers=tus_headers, ssl=ssl) as response: response.raise_for_status() return _parse_positive_integer_header(response.headers, "Upload-Offset")
def _parse_metadata(header: str) -> common.Metadata: """Split and decode the input into a metadata dictionary.""" if not (header := header.strip()): return {} md: Dict[str, Optional[bytes]] = {} for pair in header.split(","): kv = pair.split() if len(kv) == 1: md[kv[0]] = None elif len(kv) == 2: md[kv[0]] = base64.b64decode(kv[1], validate=True) else: raise ValueError("Key/Value pair consists of more than two elements.") return md
[docs] async def metadata( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, location: yarl.URL, ssl: Optional[common.SSLArgument] = None, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ) -> common.Metadata: """Get the metadata associated with an upload. See :data:`aiotus.Metadata` for details on how metadata is handled in the tus protocol. :param session: HTTP session to use for connections. :param location: The upload endpoint to query. :param ssl: SSL validation mode, passed on to aiohttp. :param headers: Optional headers used in the request. :return: The metadata of the upload. :raises ProtocolError: When the server does not comply to the tus protocol. """ tus_headers = dict(headers or {}) tus_headers["Tus-Resumable"] = common.TUS_PROTOCOL_VERSION logger.debug(f'Getting metadata of "{location}"...') async with await session.head(location, headers=tus_headers, ssl=ssl) as response: response.raise_for_status() if "Upload-Metadata" not in response.headers: return {} try: return _parse_metadata(response.headers["Upload-Metadata"]) except Exception as e: raise common.ProtocolError(f"Unable to parse metadata: {e}")
[docs] async def upload_buffer( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, location: yarl.URL, buffer: BinaryIO, ssl: Optional[common.SSLArgument] = None, chunksize: int = 4 * 1024 * 1024, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ) -> None: """Upload data to the server. :param session: HTTP session to use for connections. :param location: The endpoint to upload to. :param buffer: The data to upload. :param ssl: SSL validation mode, passed on to aiohttp. :param chunksize: The size of individual chunks to upload at a time. :param headers: Optional headers used in the request. :raises ProtocolError: When the server does not comply to the tus protocol. :raises RuntimeError: When reading of the file fails. """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() total_size = await loop.run_in_executor(None,, 0, io.SEEK_END) # The position in the file where we currently read from. current_read_offset = -1 # We ask the server for the number of bytes it already has for the upload. This # makes it possible to use this function also for resuming aborted uploads. current_server_offset = await offset(session, location, ssl=ssl, headers=headers) logger.debug( f'Resuming upload of "{location}" at offset {current_server_offset}..."' ) while True: if current_server_offset == total_size: # Done, the whole file is on the server."Complete buffer uploaded.") break if current_server_offset > total_size: # The offset that the server expects next does not exist. raise common.ProtocolError("Server offset too big.") if current_read_offset != current_server_offset: # Seek to the offset that the server expects next. current_read_offset = current_server_offset await loop.run_in_executor( None,, current_read_offset, io.SEEK_SET ) if not (chunk := await loop.run_in_executor(None,, chunksize)): # If the checks above are correct, we should never get here. raise RuntimeError("Buffer returned unexpected EOF.") current_read_offset += len(chunk) tus_headers = dict(headers or {}) tus_headers.update( { "Tus-Resumable": common.TUS_PROTOCOL_VERSION, "Upload-Offset": str(current_server_offset), "Content-Length": str(len(chunk)), "Content-Type": "application/offset+octet-stream", } ) logger.debug(f'Uploading {len(chunk)} bytes to "{location}"...') async with await session.patch( location, headers=tus_headers, data=chunk, ssl=ssl ) as response: response.raise_for_status() # Safe the value of the current offset on the server-side, at the beginning # of this loop are checks to see if it is valid. current_server_offset = _parse_positive_integer_header( response.headers, "Upload-Offset" )
[docs] async def configuration( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, url: yarl.URL, ssl: Optional[common.SSLArgument] = None, headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ) -> ServerConfiguration: """Get the server's configuration. :param session: HTTP session to use for connections. :param url: The creation endpoint of the server. :param ssl: SSL validation mode, passed on to aiohttp. :param headers: Optional headers used in the request. :return: An object describing the server's configuration. :raises ProtocolError: When the server does not comply to the tus protocol. """ logger.debug("Querying server configuration...") async with await session.options(url, headers=headers, ssl=ssl) as response: response.raise_for_status() if "Tus-Version" not in response.headers: raise common.ProtocolError('"Tus-Version" header not present.') versions = response.headers["Tus-Version"].split(",") versions = [v.strip() for v in versions] max_size = None if "Tus-Max-Size" in response.headers: max_size = _parse_positive_integer_header(response.headers, "Tus-Max-Size") extensions = [] if "Tus-Extension" in response.headers: extensions = response.headers["Tus-Extension"].split(",") extensions = [e.strip() for e in extensions] return ServerConfiguration(versions, max_size, extensions)